Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christi Cooper, YOUTH v. GOV is the story of America's youth taking on the world's most powerful government. In 2015, twenty one young plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, filed the lawsuit Juliana vs. United States, asserting a willful violation of their constitutional rights in creating our climate crisis. If they're successful, they'll not only make ...
桑德拉(玛丽·阿斯特 Mary Astor 饰)虽然已有家室,却深深的爱上了皮特(乔治·布伦特 George Brent 饰),最终,两人决定抛弃所有的一切私奔。虽然他们得以过上了朝夕相处的日子,但桑德拉的婚姻始终是两人关系里的一根刺。当桑德拉怀上了皮特的孩子后,皮特却转而同自己的未婚妻玛姬(贝蒂·戴维斯 Bette Davis 饰)结婚了,这让桑德拉非常的愤怒和震惊。