諾貝爾文學獎得主馬奎斯(Gabriel García Márquez),是拉美魔幻寫實主義文學的代表人物,也是20世紀最有影響力作家之一。《百年孤寂》一書多年來啟發過許多人的心靈。成名後的他,甚至曾試圖促成美國與古巴和解。電影從其童年成長的阿拉卡塔卡出發,追溯馬奎斯從離鄉、以記者為業、到專注文學路上的蹤跡,同時描繪他深具人文關懷的一面。
他们镇上总是有两场舞会,一场是为白人举办的,一场是为黑人举办的。当两个舞会都需要同一个 DJ 时,Brianna McCallister 建议合并舞会,这也意味着更多的装饰费用。然而,她的想法震惊了全镇,尤其是在一名白人学生因与一名黑人学生被停学相同的罪行而被开除之后。该镇能否克服种族紧张局势并最终将两个舞会结合起来?
U Turn is a Mystery Thriller. A young female reporter is upset about how people break traffic rules, she wants to do a story about it and have it published. In this pursuit she finds herself struck in a police case dealing with series of murders. The film is about how she tries to free herself of these accusations and also becomes part of the investigation process. The rest of the film is about the mysterious deaths and how they are all interconnected with a road accident.